A battery storage system enables a business to obtain electricity from inexpensive sources like solar or off-peak grid energy and use it when electricity is relatively expensive or unavailable.
Battery Storage in Australia
Around 140,000 battery systems in Australia in 2022
Installed capacity is evenly split between Residential and commercial and large-scale batteries
Uptake of new battery systems in 2021 and 2022 has remained relatively consistent
New battery system prices in Australia are currently considered high but forecast to dramatically decrease over the next 5 years
Most manufacturers increased prices in 2021 due to high raw materials costs, semiconductor chip shortages, and freight and logistics challenges
Finance Options
Lower your energy bills & decrease your carbon footprint
Make the most of your solar power eg use at night
Participate in Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Initiatives*
Participate in demand response programs**
Have a source of backup power at your site

TTEG Predictions
Anyone with solar will ultimately have a battery
Electric Vehicles will be seen as a mobile battery
Business Considerations
What is the most efficient battery system for your business?
What commercial options are there?
Establish timing & battery discharge strategies to maximise financial and operational benefits
Identify any market opportunities such as demand response# or participation in VPPs**
What traps are there in T & C and warranty etc?
What is the potential payback for various options?
Are there financing options?
How do I coordinate installation and ensure compliance?
*Demand Response requires you to Input back into the grid on demand
**A VPP is where an energy company remotely drains your battery to supply their customers via the grid
Next Steps
In order for TTEG to assess for the most efficient battery system available for your
business, click below to fill in our form, upload a recent bill, and select Battery Storage, or call 1300 11 88 34, email info@tteg.com.au.