The client: A National Retail Chain
The challenge: With over 200 sites nationally and an aggressive expansion program, the cost of energy was a significant cost for this client. They were looking for ways to reduce costs, manage their energy requirements prudently, and ensure they were getting the best rates for electricity.
The solution: The client contacted Trans Tasman Energy Group, who developed and implemented a roll-in strategy for new sites at contract rates and a cost-saving metering contract initiative. We were also able to reduce their costs in embedded electricity networks and other energy saving projects, delivering total savings of more than $1 million.
The client: A large bowling club in New South Wales.
The challenge: The club identified that their electricity charges were a large proportion of their operating costs and contacted Trans Tasman Energy Group for a free assessment.
The solution: A thorough review of the club’s electricity account revealed that the supply charges applied were in excess of the approved charges for that site, and that the club was paying too much for electricity. Working with the retailer, Trans Tasman Energy Group was able to secure savings of around $110,000 per annum, which became ongoing for the life of the business.

The client: All councils in South Australia
The challenge: All the councils in South Australia objected to the public lighting charges being proposed in a Federal Government Regulator’s initial paper.
The solution: Working on behalf on these councils, Trans Tasman Energy Group challenged the public lighting charges proposed in the Federal Government Regulator’s initial paper and successfully negotiated a reduction of $14 million per annum.
The client: A large mining company in Western Australia.
The challenge: The client identified that their meter was not measuring electricity usage accurately which had resulted in them being significantly overcharged for a period of around 18 months. They notified their retailer and the meter error was corrected. However, the client was unable to ascertain the amount they had been overcharged historically, and was unsure whether they were entitled to reimbursement under their contract and the market rules. Their situation was further complicated as they had changed energy retailer during this 18 month period.
The solution: The client contacted Trans Tasman Energy Group, who was able to establish the amount of the overcharge, build a case for reimbursement and negotiate with the client’s energy retailer and distributor that returned approximately $500,000 to the client.


The client: A retirement village in NSW
The challenge: The client needed to set up an embedded electricity network to supply around 100 units. Advice was needed on economic viability, configuration of the network and a billing system. Also concessions were needed for retirees who are eligible for the government rebate.
The solution: The Trans Tasman Energy Group completed a financial case for the project, managed the set up of the embedded network and tailored a billing system for the client.
The client: A large manufacturer in the food industry
The challenge: The client was moving to a new site and required electricity to be connected. They contacted the energy distributor who advised that an advance payment of around $800,000 was required prior to connection as a contribution to their electricity supply infrastructure.
The solution: The client contacted Trans Tasman Energy Group, who successfully challenged the distributor regarding the requirement of such a large advance payment. Ultimately, the client paid just $250,000 in advance and a further $250,000 once energy was connected at the new site – a total saving of $300,000.